Sunday, March 27, 2011

Blog Post 9

Stacked letter blocks spelling out learn

Mr. McClung's web post was really great because it was raw and honest. You can see that he was really writing from the heart and about his feelings as a teacher. The tips he gives are also great for anybody aspiring to be a teacher. It is always nice to hear advice from someone who has some experience and can understand what you're going through. His topics were spot on to things I am concerned with.
How to Read the Crowd
It is important to know that you are teaching for the students and not for your superiors.
Be Flexible
Mistakes will be made. No lesson is ever perfect.
Talk to students, teachers, and any one that will talk back. Communication is very important in life and career!
Be Reasonable
Don't expect too much from your students. Know they will make mistakes.
Don't be afraid of Technology
Try it out! Use it in your classroom and know technology is your friend.
Listen to Your Students
"You may be the only person that does." Students value a teacher that cares.
Never Stop Learning
Live by example. If you are encouraging students to learn, you should be learning too!


  1. I found Mr. McClung's tips very helpful as well. I like getting insight from those who have more experience than myself.Some of the things he said are so true, like, "Listen to Your Students. You may be the only person that does." That is something very important for educators to realize. I also completely agree as an educator it is important to set an example for your students.

  2. Christina,

    A number of very important tips are offered in this article, but did you put any thought into how you are going to implement these findings into your own future-classroom?

    Keep up the good work!

    - Allie
