Saturday, February 5, 2011

C4T Summary 1

Following on twitter
I was chosen to follow Jenny Luca and her blog Lucacept-interpreting the Web .
The first blog post of hers I commented on was about the usefulness of twitter and hashtags. I found this particularly interesting since we were assigned to broaden our use of twitter this week. She wrote about how many news stations were able to post on a tropical cyclone (#tcyasi) on twitter with the use of a hashtag, and she was able to follow more current news than her local station was able to deliver to her. I haven't used twitter for more than keeping up with friends until I entered into EDM 310 now I am beginning to realize that there is much more this social network has to offer. Its amazing to see it being laid out for me from several different sources the more I begin to open up to it.
The second blog post I commented on was entitled "Digital Trends to Watch." It contained at set of 25 slides on slideshare to watch about the trends and recommendations for them as laid out by Steve Rubel and David Armano. The slide show is for business but she is able to look at it from an education perspective. She believes incorporating the tools used in the "real" world into the classroom will help students be ready for when they get there. I must say I couldn't agree more. She feels it is important to stay in touch with the world outside of education in order to prepare students for it.

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